If you like to sew and want to add some tropical vibes to your holiday decor, this DIY is for you! Create a simple embroidered pineapple stocking by following the steps below.
Fabric of your choice (we used a neutral thick cotton)
Sewing Thread (we recommend matching the fabric color but not necessary)
Fabric Scissors
Fabric Pen
Sewing Needle
Fabric Embroidery Hoop
Embroidery Thread
Seashell Beads (if desired for extra decoration at the end)
Sewing Machine (we used one but not necessary, also possible to sew by hand!)
Start by downloading the pattern by clicking the link below:
Print the pattern on A4 or Letter sized paper (or even larger if you have a printer big enough and you would like a larger stocking), and cut out the two shapes (stocking and rectangle stocking loop) by following the pink outline.
Iron your fabric so it is nice and straight, and gently pin your pattern shapes onto the fabric.
Following the edge of the paper, use fabric scissors to cut the shapes out of the fabric.
You will need to cut out TWO stocking shapes (after you cut out the first, repin the same pattern onto another piece of fabric), and just ONE rectangle for the fabric loop, for three pieces total.
The next step is to embroider the pineapple (while the fabric is still flat, before you sew the stocking together).
Place one of your cut out stocking shapes ON TOP of the pattern, and gently pin them together.
Using your fabric pen, trace the outline of the pineapple lightly onto the fabric. We recommend holding it up to a window to do it, so the light shines through like a lightbox, making it easy to see the pineapple through the fabric.
Secure your piece of stocking fabric with the traced pineapple in your embroidery hoop until it is nice and tight.
Choose your embroidery thread colors (we used 4 : pink, orange, yellow for the pineapple body, and light green for the leaves).
Your first color will create the outline of the pineapple base (we used pink). Start by threading your needle with enough thread to go around the outer ring of the pineapple, secure the end of the string with a knot, and then following the outline of the pineapple, do a simple embroidery ‘back stitch’ (if you don’t know this stitch, you can find more in-depth tutorials for this online - it’s really simple!) for each section of the pineapple.
Once the outer ring of the pineapple is completed, tie off your first thread color. Thread a new color through your needle (we then used orange), and still using the back stitch technique, stitch 1/3 of the pineapple ‘spikes’.
Repeat this process using two more colors (yellow and pink), until all the lines on the interior of the pineapple are covered with a stitch. You can add the color however you like - either in a logical pattern or random (like we did).
Next it’s time to finish off the leaves of the pineapple using the green thread. Using a simple ‘Satin Stitch’, loop the thread closely around the outlined leaf, filling it in completely. Repeat until all the leaves are filled in, and secure the thread on the back side with a knot. Don’t worry if the back side of your pineapple is a bit messy, it will be hidden inside the stocking and you wont see it after it’s sewn together.
If any of the fabric pen is still peeking through any of the thread, you can use a damp cloth to carefully wipe it off and clean it up.
When the embroidery is finished, now it’s time to start assembling the stocking. Taking your two pieces of fabric, turn them so they are both RIGHT SIDE IN (inside out), and line up the edges. The messy back side of your pineapple stitching should be visible on the outside. Secure the two pieces together with pins, and it’s time to start sewing.
Whether using a sewing machine or stitching by hand, sew a seam around the edge of the stocking, about 1/4 of an inch from the outer edge of the fabric. Sew around all sides, leaving the top open.
Once you’ve sewn the edge of the stocking, flip it back right side out, so the finished pineapple is on the outside, and smooth out all the creases and seams.
Next step is to create the stocking loop. Taking the small rectangle piece of fabric you cut out earlier, fold the edges in half so they meet in the middle, and iron it down flat. Then fold it in half one more time, so the folded edges line up, iron once more, and zip through the sewing machine to secure the edge.
To finish off the stocking, the last step is to clean up the top hem and attach the stocking loop to the stocking.
Take the top edge of fabric and fold it over onto the inside about a half an inch, securing it in place with pins.
Fold the loop in half, stick it into the back corner seam of the stocking and pin each end on top of the already folded seam of the stocking rim.
Use the sewing machine to sew around the rim of the stocking and secure the folded edge and attach the loop at the same time. Clean up any bits of loose thread, and your stocking is ready to be filled with gifts!
If you want to add another finishing touch, you could also continue to decorate by sewing on seashell beads (like we show on our ‘Aloha’ stocking below). We made a few more to help inspire you. Get creative with colors and patterns of your choice, and most of all, enjoy the holiday season! Peace, Joy, Aloha! Xx